Do you have a history or currently have difficulty accepting compliments? Do you speak negatively to yourself using words such as: should, guilty, always, or never? Maybe, worse, such as self-disparaging remarks seeing yourself as unattractive, worthless, a loser, a burden, and worse, unimportant taking the blame easily, now or in the past? Do you have trouble saying “no” to others, or assume you are not liked by others? Do you have difficulty setting goals for yourself and have trouble identifying positive traits about yourself? Please know, everyone has these traits at times, but if it is a consistent matter in your life, this is an indication of low self-esteem and respect. This group will discuss and explore what it means to see and accept one’s own self-respect. Everyone has it inside, but sometimes it can be hard to experience and locate. Please join us Saturday to find yours and share with others how it was found.
Sep 17, 2022
9:00 AM Central
10:00 AM Eastern