If you are reading this post, good for you! You are looking for answers. You are, most likely, gaining insights for disconnecting the feelings of sadness, depression, stressed, and anxiety, caused by chronic pain, trying to relieve them. Most of the time with chronic pain issues, there is a direct relationship to negative emotions that seem never ending. There is a good reason for this and there are answers.
Based upon what science now tells us, we know early life traumas are common among chronic pain sufferers (American Counseling, 2015). This means that while many people go from doctor to doctor looking for answers to manage their pain, many people have not addressed a trauma from an early childhood experience. Early life traumas causing amplification of emotional pain that are expressed as, depression, anxiety, eating disorders, anger issues, chemical dependency, couples conflicts, sexual dysfunction, stress management issues, and mostly, low self-esteem. When traumas do not have closure, they cause distress, distress causes anxiety feeding the sensations of pain.
To make some sense of this, according to the more recent statistics, over 100 million people in the United States, alone, have chronic pain (American Chronic Pain Association, 2016). You are not alone, but, most likely, it really feels that way. Here’s why.
One of the most dramatic findings is that 97 percent of chronic pain sufferers have experienced an early life trauma. This does not mean you cannot recover. Just the opposite. Growing in wisdom, science understands the body and the mind are connected. Working to relieve chronic pain means healing from early traumas that were not healed for 97 percent of you. Once healed in therapy, and other approaches, your emotional understandings will grow as your pain reduces. You can be responsible to reduce your pain through individual and group work to stop isolation and negative emotions healing in a safe environment. Once you feel safe, you can start to heal.
Call for an appointment, now. Our next chronic pain relief group is February 25, 2017 at 12 noon. Move from emotional pain to relief and wellbeing.